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Also Goons Do Not Post Retail Albums Or Copyrighted Material OR risk being banned .Piracy Hurts the industry. We are here to support the industry and connect Djs to the media to promote the artists and industry as a whole. You must be a professional disc jockey, radio station, music industry professional or entertainment venue to enter this site .All Media offered on and through this site is for dj promotional use only…None of the files shown here are actually hosted on this server. The links are provided solely by this site’s users.Any Question Contact Promoleak@gmail.com Support the artists by buying their songs/CDs through iTunes.com or cduniverse.com. You are entering a promotional music/music video website. To subscribe to Goons Only, . Please choose the appropriate Goons Face Book, Twitter or RRS Only location from the destinations list in One of the menus.

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