When did Urination become a bad thing?

 I mean really? What kind of person would get upset if someone urinated on their child, mother or even dog? There is not a person on Earth who doesn’t urinate right? And if those Bastards can cut off our troop’s heads, well those bustards didn’t but what’s the difference? And why stop with Urinating on dead bodies? Let’s start urinating on bibles, Cross’s and American Flag’s. Why would anyone get mad at that? I think we as humans should take it to the next level and start Crapping on each other, not that we don’t now. In fact I think Perry should be the first graced with the honor. Though I doubt he would accept.

BTW I Posted this Blurb on Yahoo.com’s news page and they posted it for a 30 sec’s and then deleted it. so much for freedom of speech.

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2 comments on “When did Urination become a bad thing?

  1. […] When did Urination become a bad thing? (gangsgoonsandgunz.com) […]

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