How To: Become A Male Porn Star

 It’s good to have goals in life, and sometimes those goals can include becoming a porn star. If you’re a woman, a path into the adult film industry is very, very easy. If you’re trying to break into porn as a man, you’re going to have a little bit tougher time of it. But, if you have a dream in your heart (and probably in your pants), maybe you too could become a porn star for the ages.

Since the dawn of the porn industry, men all over the world are trying to learn how to become a male porn star. The life of endless sex with gorgeous women seems like paradise, however, there are things that you must do in order to reach your goal.

Determine if this is really what you want.

Think about this before you do anything. You will have a very hard time finding a normal girl who is willing to engage in a relationship with you. You will be at risk to disease, including HIV, and your lifestyle is going to change significantly. Make sure this is exactly what you want before you become a male porn star.

Get your stamina up.

In order to become a male porn star, you need to get your stamina up. Invest in male sex toys designed for this and you’ll be able to last longer during the shoot. You are going to be with some very hot women and you don’t want to blow it.

Make an audition video.

The porn industry is run on the Internet now. In order to get your profile up and running you’ll need a sex video to submit to online sites. Find a girl that is willing to be filmed or make a tape by yourself and you’ll be good to go. Becoming a male porn start is all about breaking in. If you have a good audition tape, you’ll be that much more attractive to producers and webmasters.

Submit your video to online sites.

Go to an online site that allows people to submit their amateur video and upload it to their server. Record the link that it’s located at.

Make a list of your favorite websites.

In order to become a male porn star you are going to have to submit your tape to your favorite porn sites. Make a list of the ones that you frequent and get the webmaster’s email address. Send them the link to the video that you made so they can see what you’re working with.

Never give up.

Some webmasters and porn producers are bogged down with finding women. Male porn stars are a dime a dozen. You might have a hard time finding a producer to give you a chance. Never give up and you’re sure to find a producer that will jump at the chance to use you.

3 comments on “How To: Become A Male Porn Star

  1. how to be a male porn star.

  2. […] How To: Become A Male Porn Star (gangsgoonsandgunz.com) […]

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